The Company

Maternini is able to supply all the equipment necessary for the production of cutting, grinding, resinoid bonded discs , cup wheels, of all diameters needed on the market.
The products range consists of: mixing machines of various capacity, hydraulic and electrical presses from 60 to 5000 Tons, high productivity fully automatic rotary machines from 4 to 12 or more working stations.
In addition, Maternini’s production also includes test and quality control machines, robotics for the automation of the handlings and automatic equipment, such as speed test machines, grinding test machines, balancing units, finishing machines and other auxiliary equipment.

Research & Development department is to be considered the core of the company, always looking for new ideas and projects.

Maternini is also dealing with the production of machineries for coated abrasive.

The philosophy of the company is to study and develop together with customers the most appropriate solutions following their technological requirements, with the aim to always satisfy them with the supply of top quality products.

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