According to Italian regulations pertaining to the “Administrative liabilities of legal entities deriving from offences” contained in the Legislative Decree no. 231 of 8 June 2001, legal entities, including limited companies, may be held liable – and therefore sanctioned by amends or criminal proceedings – in relation to certain crimes which are committed or attempted in Italy or abroad in the interest or for benefit of the Company. The companies may, in any case, adopt organizational, managerial and control models which are suitable to prevent crimes.
On October 24, 2011 Davide Maternini SpA, has adopted the Ethic Code and the Organizational Model, according to the principles of the Legislative Decree of 8th June 2001 NO. 231 and following amendments.
The Organizational Model identifies a number of regulations that must be respected by employees, directors and suppliers of Maternini, in order to prevent the crimes contemplated by this Decree.
These regulations are better explained in the specific company policies for each business process.
A Compliance Committee (ODV) has been created, to which everyone can report on riskily behavior or violation of policies.
For reports under Legislative Decrees 231/2001 and 24/2023 (“Whistleblowing”), the email address segnalazioni@studioborrini.
Davide Maternini S.p.A._Codice Etico
Davide Maternini S.p.a._Progetto 231_Modello 231 _Estratto per il pubblico
The Compliance Committee (ODV) is an organism indicated by Legislative Decree 231/01, which is responsible for ensuring the effective implementation and respect of the Organizational Model. To this aim, it collects and verifies reports that were sent by anyone.
The ODV ensures the protection of the identity of senders, but anonymous or suspicious e-mail are not admitted. The system will spam automatically these kinds of e-mails, with the possibility to inform the authorities in case of offensive e-mails regarding the reputation of others, or with illegal contents.
The members of ODV:
– Dr. Elisabetta Borrini (President and external member)
– Dr. Federica Maternini (internal members)
– Davide Longo (internal members)
Send a message to the ODV: