The History

Since 1947 Davide Maternini Spa has been manufacturing machineries for the production of resinoid bonded and vitrified wheels, and is nowadays considered as world leader on the market.

The founder of the company, Davide Maternini, from whom the company takes the name, was born in Malnate on September 4th 1911.
Davide, despite his father’s premature death in 1919, nevertheless grew up in a peaceful family environment which allowed him to attend school and complete his studies.
During his youth he worked for a local mechanical company, and right along this period his enterprising attitude appears clearly.

When the war was over in 1946, Davide follows his ambition and sets up a small workshop of his own, which is registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Varese in 1947.

By the 1950s, the production range was primarily focused upon manufacturing grinding wheels machineries for local customers.
Since then the company has developed and followed a growth that has brought it to export all over the world.

In the following years the three children of Davide work with him in leading the company and they continue till nowadays.

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